mi amor, te busco
te busco con los ojos de mi corazón
eres lo que más anhelo, lo que más quiero
eres la ispiración de mís dias
el que hace vibrar mi vida
el unico que puedes seducirme de tal manera
que no puedo resistir
eres el que forma en mís labios una sonrisa
el que colma mi ser de gozo y alegría
no podría vivir sin ti
sin ti dejaría de respirar
sin ti mi vida seria una eterna desilución
sin ti mis ojos no cesarían de brotar lagrimas
de dolor, soledad, tristesas
sin tu presensenia
sin tu amor
sin tu comprención
sin tu tenura
sin tu perdón
sin tu aliento
ciertamente moriria
Monday, April 20, 2009
Hands off!!!!
I have searched the depths of my inner most being.
I have found things there that shouldn't belong.
Things that have been stored and rotting away
as time moves in all its patient glory.
I have ransacked the memories in my mind and
relived my past. Things that caused me pain and
destroyed bits and pieces of me at a time. Things
that cause me to drown myself in a pool of tears.
I then made my way to my heart. My poor, poor
hearts and stood face to face with her. Her semblance
surprised me; shocked me.
I reached out to hold her but she jumped away from my grasp. I have never seen her this way before. So sad, so bruised, so tired and bleeding. I sat down in front of her and told her how much I love her, how much I need her, how important she was to me.
She shook her head and said in a quite voice " I don't believe you. I have been so faithful to you. When you hurt I am the one that absorbs the pain. When you are tired and need rest, I keep vigil so you won't perish, so you won't have to. I live my life so that you can because it is the very rhythm of my life that keeps you going and still you cause me harm. I am your guardian. Why can you be mine?"
I sat there astonished. Enlightened and mesmerized by the words she spoke. Every word, each sentence were like daggers to my very soul.
"All I need" she continued with tears of pain making a path down her weary and worn cheeks, "all I want is for you to love me."
It was then that I held her. It was then that I was able to wash her, to cleanse her wounds and mend her back together again.
It wasn't easy but it was no impossible.
Now as I smile I know she does as well. She is my best friend and I will protect her from all harm.
She belongs only to me.
Have you spoken to your heart lately?
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Just keep'n it real real
It doesn’t matter what people thing of you but what God thinks of you. Some people try to keep up appearances in front of others when all they are doing is being foolish and immature. Why play a part if all you are doing is living a lie? It’s so frustrating when you know the truth about people and all they do is lie to everyone about who they really are. Just because things change in your life doesn’t mean that people will look at you differently. Life goes on. Things change and people change. We are so stuck on living the path that has been set for us by so many others that have walked this journey before us. What about what God really wants for you? What about what His plans in your life? Doesn’t that matter anymore? Statistics say that we are who we are because of what we are but God, the ultimate creator, the one who breathed life into us has his own plan for each of His own. Are you not one of his own? Where has life journey taken you? Are we to be content with what lies ahead of us simply because it’s the only path we know to take?
Friday, April 17, 2009
Move on
I have never been understood in my life. I have never truly lived. Just existed. Nevertheless I always held onto my dreams and the hope that one day my dreams were going to be a reality. It was all I had to look forward to. However, I have realized that dreams are just that. A desire to bring to life, a yearn, a desire a picture or a fantasy in one’s mind.
Reality can be cruel and painful but in it lays the truth of who we really are. Sometimes we just have to let go and leave our dreams in bed, open our eyes to the reality that confronts us and even though we are torn up inside and tears threaten our eyes…we must move on.
Life is never easy.
I am a Mother!
There are so many things I think about. So many mind-boggling things that imprison m thought. Then there are those things that I want to be, that I want to become that sometimes just seem unreachable. “What do you want to be when you grow up?” This was the question my teachers back at John F. Hylan School Ps.257 use to make us write about. But teachers…that then has become a now and I don’t want to be an animal doctor because I have a dog and he is a pain, I don’t want to be a doctor or a nurse because I know people can be a pain and I don’t want to be a teacher because believe me I know children can be a pain.
I did become something. Something I love and not many people know about. This has become my passion, joy and entertainment in which I find true contentment. I often heard the common phrase, “A picture says a thousand words.” Yeah, for those who can’t read! I find that this is often said by people who don’t like to read, don’t know how to read really well, or just can’t comprehend what they are reading. Sorry needed to vent.
I became a mother at the age of ten. My mind was still developing; my heart was untouched by malice, guilt, pain. All I know was what I did know. I had my first child when I was in the fifth grade. No one understood why then and no one understands the way now. 20 years have passed since my first child, since my first inspiration, since my own creation and still I keep conceiving. It’s me, it’s my life, its’ my entire being. Abortion is not an option in my world!!
I became a writer because my voice was not being heard.
I became a poet to express my most inner thought and feelings.
I became a raconteur so that I can live the life of my characters, to enter new worlds, to explore new cultured in the great and beautiful places of my imagination.
I became a mother!!!!
I love not to worry about anything else when I dip myself into the swimming pool in the depths of my instrument. Sometimes I just want to get away from it all and escape into the furthest corner in my mind. To take a vacation into the chambers of my heart and reminisce upon all the stories, all the memories, all the love that is stored away in there like a treasure waiting to be discovered, waiting to be unburied. After all I am just a writer in my own world. To everybody else I am just another face in the rainbow. It is said that one must believe in oneself. I do. But sometimes I get so tired of believing. There is so much to believe in. Believe in God, believe in your family, friends, believe in this justice system, believe in life…just believe. When I was younger my mom use to tell me “Mira nena, todo es possible si puedes creer.” There is even a song like that we would sing all the time at La Iglesia. My life is one rhythm, a routine.
Like a butterfly, I came out of a cocoon beautiful in my own thoughts and feelings opening up a fountain of emotions. Forget my outer appearance for that has no value. It is like a painting hanged in a museum for all to see. You say your opinion of it and keep walking. But who I truly am is deep within me. I do not live or speak in my own conceits. To be conceited is to be selfish and that is not possible. How can that be possible if you are reading this…if you are reading my heart and my mind? How can that be possible if you are reading the words I write with my own blood?
The red river which runs through my body is what I write with
It flows into the depths of my instrument all the way to its tip
It meets the paper with a long sweet, sensual kiss
Lingering if wanted for more
I do not speak with my voice, I speak with my hands. There are ten strong words my hands speak….each hand five words…each finger speaking its own language.
Love will see you through.
Never let go of your dreams no matter how far they seem
Even when reality knocks on your door and laughs in your face
When emotions are running away from you and you can no longer hold back
When things seem to always be going in the wrong direction
Never let go of who you are not matter how painful it may be to live
Even when you feel as if you are not who you want to be
When the mirror looks back at you taunting you and mocking you
When things seem so obscured and your vision may blur
Never let go of hope because it is the only thing that keeps you going
Even when things seems to crazy and nothing seems right
When your world is turned upside down and tears seem no more
When all you want to do is disappear into nothingness
Never let go of Love because Love will never let go of you.
He will always be there even when we see no one around
Love will always see you through.
John 3:16
Even when reality knocks on your door and laughs in your face
When emotions are running away from you and you can no longer hold back
When things seem to always be going in the wrong direction
Never let go of who you are not matter how painful it may be to live
Even when you feel as if you are not who you want to be
When the mirror looks back at you taunting you and mocking you
When things seem so obscured and your vision may blur
Never let go of hope because it is the only thing that keeps you going
Even when things seems to crazy and nothing seems right
When your world is turned upside down and tears seem no more
When all you want to do is disappear into nothingness
Never let go of Love because Love will never let go of you.
He will always be there even when we see no one around
Love will always see you through.
John 3:16
The Ghost

I am being haunted. Now you may think this to be a silly thing but hear me out for a bit. A little over two weeks ago my dad was hospitalized. Many of you know this and for some of you it will be new news. This not being the first time my dad is hospitalized; I really didn’t have an expected reaction. Some, like my sisters, were overcome with fear and others were distraught. I never really have a normal reaction. You see, I am a super calm person. I can never act or over react. My reactions to crisis are what would seem like indifference or just plain coldness. I have never been one to wear my emotions on my sleeve. However, looks can always be deceiving. I may not react on the outside but let me tell you on the inside it feels as if I have ransacked by a tornado. I really can’t speak to anyone about my feelings because its hard to express with words how I feel. I desire to get to that level with my sisters but things have been so….hmm….strained I guess. So here I am in front of this screen and somehow its so easy to pour myself into this blank page…or screen – however you want to look at it.
Now back to the beginning. I miss my dad so much. I miss his jokes that are not so funny but since he laughs at them they are. I miss the sounds his sandals make when he walks passed my room. I miss the way he shouts my name even if I am just in the other room. I miss being bullied to make coffee at odd hours of the day. Hec, I miss him even bothering my poor old dog and making him growl and bark until he is out of breath. And oh my God do I miss him playing his guitar. I am one of the empty rooms in my home right now writing this and I look up and see the guitar being haunted by loneliness and I so can relate to that. There are few people that can touch us, few that understand us and those that can are not always around. I am being haunted by memories of him here with us. It’s where he belongs.
I believe in God. I believe in His mercy and grace but sometimes in my heart there is so much pain that I can’t see past it and yet I keep living. I keep yearning for peace and love and all that makes life so much more worthwhile. I have not been the perfect daughter…far from it really but in my heart there is a love so deep for the two people that mean the world to me. My mom and dad. The Angels that God gifted to my sisters, brother and I. We have been so fortunate to have them.
I went to see my dad today. It took everything in me not to cry. That’s how it is all the time. My strength is needed in these times. It’s been so hard to remain calm. It’s been so hard to remain strong. It’s been almost out of my reach to remain dried eye. How I wish to bury myself in the pain that is tearing my heart into bits and pieces. How I wish for freedom. How I wish to be understood and love for who I am and not who people think I am. How I yearn to feel at home in my own home.
I need to be allowed to live. Please don’t hold me back any longer. Set me free. Love me till I am no longer.
I love you!
My smile had faded.
In its place was a frown that dared to touch deep within my heart.
It penetrated the walls there and made a home in each of its four chambers
Words can never be sufficient to express such emotions
The feeling of loss, pain and betrayal
The feeling of losing a piece of yourself each time
The feeling of nothing ever being the same
The feeling of having to start over yet again
Until you have an awakening
You realize that this was just a test
Of not who you are but the person you need to be
You begin to reconstruct
And slowly you begin to regain consciousness
And realize that life is so much better when you are smiling
When you are living and not just existing
When you love and allow yourself to be loved
When you can trust yourself and others
You awake to a new and better you
And you fall in love with YOURSELF
And whisper …….I love you.
In its place was a frown that dared to touch deep within my heart.
It penetrated the walls there and made a home in each of its four chambers
Words can never be sufficient to express such emotions
The feeling of loss, pain and betrayal
The feeling of losing a piece of yourself each time
The feeling of nothing ever being the same
The feeling of having to start over yet again
Until you have an awakening
You realize that this was just a test
Of not who you are but the person you need to be
You begin to reconstruct
And slowly you begin to regain consciousness
And realize that life is so much better when you are smiling
When you are living and not just existing
When you love and allow yourself to be loved
When you can trust yourself and others
You awake to a new and better you
And you fall in love with YOURSELF
And whisper …….I love you.
I wake up my usual time to go to work and begin my daily ritual. I wake up before my alarm clock rings, wait till it rings then sluggishly pull my warm cozy blankets off of my body and always, always I swing my legs off the bed first and hang them on the side. Then reluctantly, I sit myself up. My Dog, who has been with me forever, then gets up, yawns and gives my legs a good morning rub.
I feel a need to confess. I am not a morning person. Never was and I can guarantee, never will be. However, since there are bills that need to be paid and my stomach protests when it hasn’t had enough food, I tread on.
The bathroom always seems so far away even if it is just right across from my room. I try not to make much noise. My Parents are playing a symphony of the snores just down the hall. It takes me a while to wake but after a shower and a nice hot cup of strong coffee, I am not only awake, but a totally different person. Even my Dog notices and begins to follow me around the house cautiously just in case I have a set back into grouch land.
I am glad it is dress down Friday and I plan a comfortable outfit that is in between dressy and sporty also known as casual and get dressed in less than 15 minutes. This honestly, is a record because usually I take longer just staring into my closet.
I tiptoe down the hallway making a left at the end of it to head to the kitchen. I set my mother’s heat-up-coffee small pot with water and three eggs to boil. Now, an explanation is in order. I do not eat three eggs. I am not what you call an egg lover. But are you forgetting I have a Dog? Usually I eat about half and give him half as well. That spoiled pooch.
If I may go off on a tangent right now because I know feeding eggs to my dog may raise some questions. When I first got my Dog from my oldest sister who at the time resided in Connecticut, I was working. I would buy him Pedigree dog food, wet and dry. Since I was working he would stay home with my parents. Now, my parents are not particular animal lovers but they do have a very generous and loving heart. Being that my dog Buttons, has mastered the art of begging with a very convincing I am so starving look, my mom would give him food from the table. I think many people will agree with me when I say that once you give a dog table food he no longer wishes to eat the one that is actually made for him. That was about 13 years ago. He is a very stubborn dog.
Okay, okay so back on track. Hmm, had to scroll back up to see where I left off. Oh, right, I was eating 1 egg and a half. I usually make coffee around this time. I make enough so that I can leave some for my mom and dad. However, today I opted not to. I was in dire need of my favorite Dunkin Donuts coffee. A medium with cream and three spenda’s please. My dad who has just returned from a physical rehabilitation center this past Monday, after being very sick for three months, is awake by this time checking out my clothing just in case he has to identify me to the police in the case that something happens to me. He doesn’t say this but I already know. My mom comes strolling in a few minutes after and they are both really surprised that there is no aroma of coffee in the air. I tell them that I will buy a cup when I get to my destination and that answer seemed to satisfy both of them. They know how important a cup of coffee is to my exsitance.
I eat, feed the eternally hungry dog and try to hunt down my coat and scarf. I always wonder to myself, where did I put my coat and scarf last? The question should be, where did my mom move my coat and scarf to now? I find it in about five minutes after going into the living room, guest room and find it on the futon in what I like to call my Computer room (in reality it’s just where I usually use and leave my laptop). Which may I add, is definitely not where I had left it last. I put on my plaid coat with a soft fleece scarf; grab my bag filled with things to eat such as my lunch, fruit and a bottle of water and head down the five steps towards the door.
That’s when it all happened. I opened the door and stopped dead in my tracks. I had heard on 10:10 wins that morning that today was the first day of Spring. It had put a little spring in my step…get it…spring? But to my astonishment, it was snowing!! I couldn’t believe it. Not like we haven’t had some crazy whether situations but nowhere in the weather forecast had it mentioned snow. I was not ready for this. Not at all. I have to leave my home at a certain time or miss my train. So you see, it was either turn around to get an umbrella or miss my train. I figured a few flurries were not going to harm me so I opted to shut the door behind me and put on a brave front. That was my big mistake.
While I was walking the three blocks to the L train station it was both cold and windy but not unbearable. My favorite song playing on my IPod seemed to lessen the frustration I was feeling about the unexpected weather. I mouthed the lyrics of “Wrap me in your arms” by Freddy Rodriguez and walked at a medium pace. I love that song. So inspiring. My mood was lightened by the time I began descending the steps that will lead me to the train. I swiped my 7-day unlimited Metro Card and went on my way. The train wasn’t packed and to my surprised I was able to find a seat. The second train was on time and it was as if it was waiting for my arrival. It was a lovely ride as I listened to some more of my favorite tunes.
When I reached my destination I ascending the stairs with joy in my heart knowing that in just a few moments my mouth will have its first taste of glory in a medium sized cup. You know that saying about good things always coming to an end? I can so testify to that because when I reached the top of the stairs what greeted me was a revenge of the snowflakes I so criticized before. It looked like a wintery storm. It was windy, wet, icy and cold. Which may I add, did not amuse me. I looked up to the heavens and told Him...”You know what God? This is not funny.”
With my cup of coffee in my hand and beaten by the snow, I walked into my office and took my usual seat at my desk.
In an hour or two the craziness ended and the Sun tried its best to clean up the mess.
That’s how it is in our lives. Sometimes we are confronted with unexpected, unwanted and unneeded surprises. We must go through certain things in our lives that alter our world and threaten our universe. No matter what we must always keep in mind that trials, and tribulations don’t last forever. That what we go through is not a test of who we are but of who we are to be. We must walk steadily on and confront each God given day with courage and strength. Above all we must always remember to smile.
Until next time my friends.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
A fork in the road
I want to die
I want to feel death near to me
I am to tired of living to tired to want to live
just..... tired
I want to feel death vibrating throughout my entire
body I want to hear him screaming in my ear
It hurts to live
It hurts
Please don’t hold on to me anymore don’t love me anymore
just set me free
at least you’ll live to forget me
but me.... time has become my enemy it taunts me,
moving ever so slowly as to prolong my suffering
My smile is a farce
Oh how it hurts to be me
feel my pain feel my anguish feel my suffering
my despair my desperation
are you willing to watch me deteriorate into pure nothingness?
Then WHY won’t you set me free?
Don’t you know that death is only the beginning?
Set me free let me embrace death without guilt
so that I can truly be free
so that I can begin to live.
Set me free
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Te amo
Eres muy especial y importante para mí.
Porque eres mi todo. Me haces reír en
medio de mis tristezas, en medio de mi
tanto dolor. Tu siempre estas conmigo,
en mi mente, en mi corazón, en mi vida
porque tú eres mi gran amor, mi razón
de vivir y hasta el aire que respiro - así
de importante. Como tu... nadie.
Te amo mi Dios.
My soul is deteriorating
rotting away into bits and pieces of
Time, money, wasted
Y + Z = X
I am buried in solitude
Why this? Why that?
No more questions!
I mean, how many questions marks can I use
Before they run out?
God = peace
God =love
God = fulfillment
I am not sure of that.
Not sure, no longer certain
I am lost on a map trying to figure out
Which way is which
I only find an ounce of solace in my
Paper listens
The wind = enemy.
Snatches my voice away making my words drift
Away. Drift. Float. Gone.
With it’s ever-so-powerful breezes
Maybe that’s why no one seems to hear me
Damn that wind!
I try to be heard hmmm maybe I should move out of New York
What about love?
Where are you Love?
I challenge you to come forth
And set your eyes on me.
Peace + Fulfillment + God + Family + Church + Love = 0
I was never good at math!
Why "men" don't cry
unspeakable language
Taking adventures and making paths on the so many faces of the world.
No exception.
Never mind race, color, creed, humanity.
emanating from an non harmful source
living now a world all on its own
many cruel worlds
Cruel punishment
burning paths into the faces we all know and see
Dripping onto our land
earth soaking up salty bitterness
Why? Why? why?
why this and why that?
How much water must we shed?
So many obstacles, burdens, deceits
Poor, poor eyes.
Drinking of that bitterness
being discolored by profundity
Tears keep dripping like a broken faucet.
There are never any plumbers around.
The Senior Ring

I took my niece, whom I refer to as Princess out shopping for a special occasion dress. She will have a ring ceremony this month. I never even heard of such a thing. When I was in Junior High School we just got our senior rings in our home room class. But heavens no now there has to be a whole entire ceremony dedicated to a ring that would more than likely turn black in a year or two.
You should’ve seen her though. She was all smiles and her eyes twinkled so brightly. She was giddy and excited. In her I saw how I always wanted to be. In her I saw dreams, hopes and excitement about life. I saw someone who yet has learned the hardship of life, who life still seems to smile upon. I saw a future of the unknown and I wanted just to reach out and hold her and protect her from all harm. I have no children of my own but this little girl, whom I dressed up as a patient just so I can spend more time with her when my sister gave birth, this little girl who I use to babysit and change her pampers, this little girl that I would spend almost an hour taking her to “the rides” in a department store, is the same little girl who is so close to my heart she is like my own.
I went back home afterward and opened up my jewelry box and grabbed in my hands a ring that is more than 17 years old. I turned it over and over in my hands. Put it on, took it off and visited my Junior High School years in my mind. My life was so carefree then. Where have the years gone? I remember old friends, running down the hallway that was paved with blackened tiles. I remember my classmates and teachers; some I loved and some I disliked. I remember hanging out in stair cases and taking extra long trips to the bathroom during "boring" classes.
All these memories flooded my thoughts and brought a smile to my face. Most importantly I remembered how truly simple life was back then. How lovely it was to only have school as a responsibility, to have the entire Summer's off.
I stopped wearing that ring after my first year in High School and now it has only become a symbolism of things past. It has become the once was and the yesteryears. It has become something I will always treasure.
I hope this for my Princess too. I hope that she can look back on her life and not have any regrets. That she to can smile and laugh at all the little silly things that ocurred, all the fond moments, friendships and love. I hope she can be proud of the person she has become and the woman she will be.
Above all I wish for her true friendships, love, peace, happiness and sucess.
The Book

There was no time here. The waiting was long and torturous, almost unbearable. The butterflies in my stomach must’ve been doing back flips and all sort of stunts and I could not stop shaking. I was next on line and not long after, it was my turn. The helpers handed him the Book. I could not even believe I was standing here. Right before him. If ever I needed sunglasses it would most likely be now. He was radiant shining in his own light, beautiful in his own glory. The Sun was not even a comparison to his splendor. His smile was grim when he set his eyes on me. I cringed and balled my hands into fists because I felt him look right through me, right into the depths of my soul, my very being. I felt his eyes search the farthest corner of my mind, the depths of my thoughts and even the chambers of my heart. All those secrets I buried all of the things I had hidden there He then saw. I felt totally and utterly naked. The helper to his left silently and slowly shook his head.
I settled my eyes on the book. It cracked as he was opening it and the sound filled my heart. All was silent not even a flap of an Angel wing was heard. The silence was buzzing in my ear almost annoyingly bringing me almost to the brink of insanity. When the book was finally opened, he began to flip through the pages. I sweated a drop of sweat for each page that flipped. The first law here was order so it wouldn’t surprise me if the names were listed alphabetically. It was a book unlike any other I ever saw or read. It was huge and it appeared to me as if it was made of gold. It looked heavy and the pages in it were many, maybe innumerous to my kind. I began to wonder why was he taking so long? I took a look behind me and looked into so many faces. The expressions I saw there are an unforgettable testimony of fear, some of happiness, confusion, contentment, and even anger. I had never in my life seen so many people crying. I looked to my right and my eyes rested upon what had started all of this. A whole row of golden trumpets, an Angel hard at work putting them away. I tore my gaze away from that sight feeling almost within me a wave of nausea. It was then that His finger stopped and rested in the middle of a page I looked up at him expectantly and almost for one moment I thought I saw him hesitate, I thought I saw pain, and anguish in his semblance. Could that have been a tear forming in the tail of his eyes? It was then that He looked at me silent and still for many moments. His eyes filled with a pool of love and loss. Then as fast as a second goes by his eyes changed and all that emotion I saw there just a moment ago was gone. He cleared his throat as though he needed a moment and his finger slid across the page. My mouth fell to the ground in anticipation as the words he spoke filled the heavens and with a voice as loud as roaring waves in an ocean he opened his mouth and said.
“ I found your name.”
I can not explain with words what I felt. The multitude behind me applauded and cheered. Tears fell from my eyes like the Niagara Falls. I looked up at him to thank him but I noticed a weird look in his eyes, his expression had not changed. With one flick of his finger two Archangels came down toward me and each grabbed me by my upper arms. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. The smile in my heart faded along with the smile on my face. He then stood up and it was then, at that very moment looking up at him that I realized that I was nothing, that my life was meaningless. I wanted to fall on my knees but the Angels did not permit me to do so. He’s so unexplainable. Right away a whole celestial army of angles stood behind him, Querubines, Serafines, his Archangels all positioned by rank. Millions upon millions, uncountable. Where did they all come from? I began to cry and scream and beg for permission to let me fall on my knees because I felt I was slowly and painfully melting away. I could not stand to be in the presence of such purity, of such holiness, of such perfection, of such infinite power, of such deity and majesty. Immediately like a light bulb illuminates a dark room, I thought about the Catechism of Westminster in which I read when I was studying Systematics and Bible Theology my third year at the Bible Institute. In this book Westminster tries to define God. He said, “God is spirit, infinite, eternal, inimitable in his being, in his knowledge, in his power, holiness, justice, kindness, and truth. It’s not until now that I finally comprehend what that meant and at that very moment I wanted to run and hide. I turned my head to my left and then to my right and spoke to these two magnificent creatures. I didn’t know if it was my imagination or that these splendid creatures shined brighter then a star. My eyes hurt just by looking at them. Their wings were gigantic and almost as tall as they were. My voice came out so small and shaky almost unheard.
“Please, please, just let me go. Give me a chance. “I begged.
The Angels just looked ahead, almost as if waiting for the next order. As if I had just not spoken. I looked at him and tears came to my eyes again and I began to talk to him low at first and then faster and louder as each word rolled of my tongue.
“I’m sorry, my Lord but you must know how much I love you. You must have seen my struggles. I’ve been through so much. Those things that I have hidden, in the chambers of my heart, in the farthest corner of my brain, in the abyss of my thoughts, all those things that burned a whole straight through my heart you know. Those tears I’ve cried alone in my room at night with no one to hear me or see me, you saw. The battles I fought. The good deeds I did. The positions I had in church, the activities, the salidas, doesn’t that count? I know sometimes I was confused but I did want to serve you, you should know that. Please don’t do this to me. Don’t turn your back on me. You’re a God of second chances and now I am asking you for one.”
Silence surrounded me. It enveloped me like fog does on a foggy night. I do not know how long silence rung in the air but it felt to me like an eternity. It seemed to me as if there was no rushing here as though an hour was like a minute and a minute like a second but patience just didn’t exist for me right now. We looked at each other and our tears fell at the same time and I was able to hear the pitter-patter of each of them as they touched the floor. I looked at him from head to toe. And when my eyes touched his hands, I saw them, and reality hit me hard and my knees buckled and it was then that the Angles let me go. He then spoke to me, my face in my hands; I began to sob my shoulders shaking for I was ashamed, embarrassed for I knew within me the why.
He began to story, “I planted you in your mother’s womb. I played with you there. When you were born I was there. I was the one that first held you. I was the one that calmed your first cry when you came into the world. It was me whom tickled you when no one was around and your mom laughed proudly. When you took your first step I was there. Whose arms you thought they were? When you said your first word I clapped loudly, your mom thought you were going through your first thunderstorm. I was the one that turned your nightmares into sweet dreams. On your first day of school I was sitting right beside you on that blue chair and you use to talk to me and everybody thought you were so creative and had an active imagination because you had an imaginary friend. Remember you named me Joe? I attended your kindergarten graduation. I was the one in the last row with a big smile on my face. I was the one who calmed your tears and soothed your fears when you’re little brother was born and no one seemed to pay any attention to you because he was the only boy and you were the seventh girl. Don’t you remember how I stroked your hair when you were crying, until you’d finally fall to sleep and I’d whispered in your ear, don’t worry she’s still your mommy and they all still love you? I celebrated with you when you were ten in the fifth grade and you wrote your first book and I was there when you were singing the star spangled banner in your fifth grade graduation. I was there when you got baptized. I wanted to make it special so I changed things around so that you can get baptized on your twelfth birthday. I was there when you sang a solo at your eight-grade graduation and I was the one that cried tears of sadness when you went to your prom. Why do you think it was raining that day? I was the one that help you through High School when you thought you were not going to graduate because you got sick that year and missed a lot of days and when you graduated you cried tears of joy and I couldn’t have been happier. I was the one that allowed your poems to be published. I was the one that allowed you to sing. I was the one to comfort you and I filled that void when your so-called first love broke your heart. I was there to mend it back together with my Holy Spirit super glue.
“Couldn’t you see how much I loved you? I tried so hard to make it clear. I whispered it in the air and in the rustling of the trees. I caressed your hair and your face gently with the winds breezes. I sang it in a bird’s song, I screamed it in a thunderstorm, and I flashed it in lightning. I did everything just to get your attention! But my efforts were in vain. I shed my blood for you. I could’ve escaped, I could’ve decided not to. But I didn’t.”
I watch Him as he began to pace back and fort. His words were like a double-edged sword as he began to ponder me, sear me, cut me, inside out with the truth.
“ It’s been years since I made you, years that I loved you more than words can say and I had never left you even though you were unfaithful to me, even though you broke my heart. I never had forsaken you not once even though countless times you’ve forsaken me. I had my hopes set high on you. I made so many plans with you that I never could complete. I thought about you from that time that I created this world. I bragged about you to my Angles. I put in your hand so many talents, gave you so many blessings. I even healed you from sicknesses you never thought you had. I watched every step you took and sent my Angles to protect you when you were in danger. Do you know how many bullets I stopped from coming your way? Are you aware of the times I scared away people that were going to harm you? You never walked alone I was always there. Always was I there. “
There was silence again. A silence so intense I felt it penetrate my skin all the way to the marrow of my bones. For a long time nothing happened. All was still. Not even the air moved around me as though it was afraid to interrupt this silence.
Then he spoke and the words he said drained me ringed me of all hope.
“ All this I did for you and you remained unmoved. Well, I am sorry.”
I did not speak. I dared not to. Maybe because my mouth was so parched, or that my tongue was sticking to the roof of my mouth. He then turned his back on me as I had done so many times before and with his head down and sadness in his voice, He said seven words that vibrated throughout my entire body entering and exiting every pore…. Apart from me I know you not!
It echoed throughout my being. Shattering me to bits and pieces of nothingness. I protested screaming excuse after excuse after excuse but my efforts were in vain.
He turned to me when I cried, “ But my name, my name you said you found it in the book of life. He shook his head and I thought I saw pity flash in his eyes when He said, “ Yes I did but I scratched it out a long time ago.”
Shock and guilt overtook my body and for a moment I could not move. I felt as if I was turning inside out. He signaled to his helpers and at that moment I lunged forward to grab him, to touch him, to beg at his feet, but the Angels stood in front of him. Chances there were none.
With much screaming and kicking they grabbed me and started to drag me to a door. I tried everything to get loose but all that did was tire me to exhaustion. I looked back at Him one last time and notice how his shoulders sagged slightly, as he mouthed the words, “goodbye for ever.” My world as I knew it was forever gone and there was no one to blame but me.
I could not explain how that door looked even if I tried all I know is that once they got me there those two Angels vanished into thin air. I was not alone for a long time because that door opened and when it did I was forever lost and on my way down from Heaven flashed before me the lies I had told that week. How little I prayed. How lazy I got when it came to going to church. All those things I stole. How much I criticized people. How many boyfriends I had. The makeup I wore to work and talents unused. How disobedient I was to my parents sometimes. That for so many years I’ve wasted my life in church. So many, many, many things that at one time I thought it wouldn’t matter if I did them, things that I didn’t remember, and things that I didn’t want to remember. My entire life flashed before my eyes like a movie and I just wanted to die!
It was a while before I finally reached my destination passing hideous and horrible things that I never in my wildest imagination knew or wanted to know existed. And when I opened my eyes and took a look around me, I threw myself on my knees and prayed thanking God that all this was only a dream. And I knew and felt that at that very moment He was smiling down at me.
The Virtuoso
My heart stands still when
it hears your voice It
dances with the melody of
each word you say It is
to its ears Oh how it loves to
its rhythm drumming
along with the
you speak Vibrating throughout
its entire being
What fun my heart
Has when you are around But
happiness does come to an
end You spoke no more and
my heart stopped its dance
turning back to its own boring
drumming to its own lonely
Life is a Lillipop

When I was a little girl, I dreamed of being a Princess dressed in the prettiest dress with shoes like Cinderella. I dreamed of white feathers, clouds, floating hearts, bubbles and ponies. I dreamed of a white horse carriage with white larger than life horses with a long elegant feathers sticking out of their harnesses and a coachman wearing a velvet long purple drape with a bright diamond like smile. I wished upon stars and I never stepped on any cracks fearing I would break my mother's back. I played double dutch, hop scotch and monkey barred my way through the kiddie parks around my home. I ran in the clean grass and blew at the dandelions that would grow wildly in the front of my home. I greeted people we knew and smiled at nice people we didn't. I held my mommy's hand and skipped happily to the beat only a child could here.
The innocence of childhood lost.
How much money do you make?
Where do you live?
What is the color of your skin?
What language do you speak?
What is your Social Security number?
Do you have a bank account?
Where would you spend eternity?
Are there any sales?
How would we make ends meet this month?
What health insurance do you have?
The world has been taken over by clowns roaming the streets with painted smiles and various acts of bravery with clothes hanging from their bodies and shoes they can never fill with empty pockets and gadgets they are forced to use.
Falsity overtaking human nature. People forced into desperation; running to an fro. Time moving on painfully aware of its end.
Every body's nose lost in a book dreaming of a different life. Happiness lasting moments at a time; once every two weeks then everybody settling into life's everyday routine.
"Mommy, I want a Pony" said the little girl to her mother with a huge, genuine smile on her face. Her mother looked at her fondly and said, "Okay sweetie, someday.."
The innocence of childhood lost.
How much money do you make?
Where do you live?
What is the color of your skin?
What language do you speak?
What is your Social Security number?
Do you have a bank account?
Where would you spend eternity?
Are there any sales?
How would we make ends meet this month?
What health insurance do you have?
The world has been taken over by clowns roaming the streets with painted smiles and various acts of bravery with clothes hanging from their bodies and shoes they can never fill with empty pockets and gadgets they are forced to use.
Falsity overtaking human nature. People forced into desperation; running to an fro. Time moving on painfully aware of its end.
Every body's nose lost in a book dreaming of a different life. Happiness lasting moments at a time; once every two weeks then everybody settling into life's everyday routine.
"Mommy, I want a Pony" said the little girl to her mother with a huge, genuine smile on her face. Her mother looked at her fondly and said, "Okay sweetie, someday.."
The visitor
When the doorbell chimed, I knew who it was. I walked slowly to the door almost unwillingly, as if taking my time would change things. I wiped all traces of the tears that for the past two weeks, burned paths down my cheeks.
I opened the door slowly and was blinded by the sun’s glory forcing its way through the door. What I saw both surprised me and disgusted me. He was standing there with his hands clasped in front of him. We stood there for a long while staring into each other’s eyes. There was something in his eyes that frightened me but amazed and intrigued me. He was immaculately dressed from head to toe. But it was his voice when he spoke that held me captive to him. His deep, sensual voice vibrated throughout my body in and out of every single pore penetrating even the most intimate parts of my soul as he asked, “Where is he”? I couldn’t speak because my voice hid away somewhere in my throat in awe of his presence. I just pointed to the hall that would lead him to his victim. The way he walked was amazing and such power and authority sparked off his entire being. I walked quietly behind him, each one of his footsteps were three of mine echoing deep within my heart. When he reached the only door that was left ajar, he did not hesitate to be invited in but kept walking until he reached the bed. I went around the other side and asked him, “Can you make his departure quick and painless?” To my surprise, he smiled almost taking my breath away. I looked at my son lying still on the bed; his rasped breathing was the only sign of the life that yet dwelled in his body. I grabbed his hand in mine whispering a prayer as the visitor watched patiently. I kissed my son’s face and hands breathing in his bodily scent for what would be the last time as I said almost in a whisper, “I’ll be waiting by the door”. The visitor’s only response was a slight nod.
I must have cried all the tears I had left as the clocked walked slowly, steadily on. I felt numbed and cold. When I heard the sound of footsteps approaching me, I looked up. The visitor walked towards me with his head down. When he reached me, he looked up and what stared back at me was not the same person. His clothes were wrinkled, dirty and torn and his semblance appeared darker somehow. His eyes that amazed me before, looked tired, red, and swollen, even his presence changed. We did not speak a word until he reached the porch. It was then that he stopped. His shoulders were sagging, his head was down and he did not turn to me as he said in a voice full of exhaustion, “My job is never easy”.
An hour almost passed before I was able to stand by the bed of my son and it was then that the reality of the situation hit me hard almost knocking me out of my very existence. Death just battled with life and death had won.
A refection on "He Choose the nails" by Max Lucado

He chose the nails (book) by Max Lucado, is so powerful. I want to cry after every paragraph - it’s so awesome - so awe inspiring! I want more of God. I want to get into him deeply. I want to study his word, talk to him all the time, and do his will. I want to see his glory and die in his presence. You know what I desire most? To lay my head on his lap and cry, just cry while he strokes my hair. I want to be with him. To be able to see his loving face. To feel pure, eternal Love surround me. He is the only steady thing in my life. He will never leave me. He will never stop loving me. He loves me even with my faults and imperfections.
I cannot find words to fully explain what I’m feeling right now. I just cannot with words decipher what He means to me. If only I can remain faithful. If only I can serve him in spirit and in truth. If only I can serve him the way he deserves to be served. If only.... if only... my life is filled with if only’s. I don’t deserve him. I am so undeserving of his love, kindness, and mercy above all his sacrifice. I can NEVER live or rather pay him for my life, for allowing me to live. I have been in church all of my 24 years. I love God, I love church, I love doing things for God but that’s not enough for me right now. I want soooo much more. I want soooo much more that my heart aches. I want so much more then those two or three hours in church - that is not enough; God deserves so much more then the routine - Two songs, read the word, two songs, pray for the second part, special parts, offering, prayer for the petitions and the sick, and preaching, then ministering. While this is good, but God wants so much more, He deserves so much more. He is so much more.
What ever happened to freeing the spirit of God within us? If only we can really be FREE to give God the service He only is worthy of. To dance like a “Corderito”. We talk about or here about letting the spirit take control but the reality of the matter is this: People are stuck in their own conceits. It doesn’t matter how long you have been in church - God is the same. If we were all in one accord the spirit will lift everybody up from those binding benches and move then to and fro and away with the arthritis, away with the headaches and the back pain. The Holy Spirit; Gods gift to everybody; will flow through each and every part of our bodies. Every muscles, vein, bone, molecule, cell, will move and vibrate with Holy Ghost and Fire! Oh Glory to Jesus - I feel his presence Will you help me? Will you pray with me and study his word with me and just talk about his goodness with me? I hope you understand what I am trying to tell you; my desire to “have” the Lord is just too great. I feel like I’m going to explode with this hunger for him. Our sins are “Blotted out” out by Jesus with the blood he shed on the cross for us. He did all this for love. His stubborn love never lets go of me. I cannot humanly comprehend how can God.... such purity, such holiness, such perfection, such infinite power, such deity and majesty looks upon me, loves me.
I was studying a book of Systematic and Bible Theology my third year at the Bible Institute. In this book I read the Catechism of Westminster. In this book Westminster tries to define God. He said, “God is spirit, infinite, eternal, inimitable in his being, in his knowledge, in his power, holiness, justice, kindness, and truth. We had an assignment. We had to define God in our own words. You know what I did? I handed in a blank paper. When the teacher asked me about it I told him that it is impossible to define God. Westminster came close but can we really define Him? Can we mortals define our eternal savior? We can try, but I don’t think we can ever come up with an exact definition. He is eternal. Is there an end to eternity? What is the last number? Where does the sky begin? Where does it end? In which direction does the wind blow first? The Bible is so full of brave, magnanimous men of God. Moses, Abraham, Daniel, Paul, etc..... (Woman to) these men were powerful because of God. Can we become another Paul, another Moses? You know what? We are to busy. We live a fast City life. To much things to do. Other things entertain us. Our social lives get in the way. That’s a big problem. If we get close to God if we “lay our heads on his chest” we will see things we’ve never imagined. We must rebuke all laziness in the name of Jesus; all sicknesses in the name of Jesus and our reward will be grand. God just wants to complete His will in us and we must allow Him to do so.
Let us pray for God to have mercy on us-for all the time we have wasted and do His will. Let Him complete His will in us so we can be completed in Him. He endured so much for us and yet we are either to tired for Him or just lazy! Sometimes standing during prayer in the services is such a big effort for us. I love God. I want to please him. He’s so wonderful. “Jesus himself chose the nails because he couldn’t bear the thought of eternity without you and I. And as the hands of Jesus opened for the nail, the doors of heaven opened for you. Colossians 2:13-14.
You want to know the coolest thing about the One who gave up the crown of heaven for a crown of thorns? He did it for you. Just for you.” (This was from the book) Don’t give up on Jesus. Don’t give up on all He did for you. Don’t leave eternity just to look cool. Just for makeup, pants, jewelry, just to go clubbing or because you think it’s boring. Can you see? Are you blind? This world would not exist if not for God. That’s why we are here. There is no life without Him. Those who don’t have him don’t exist. Our lives are short. When you die, where would you like to spend your eternity? God is waiting for you with opened arms. Forget your troubles and worries in Him. Let him take control of you Life. Let Him love you the way He wants to love you. We feel pain, loneliness, confused, hurt, when we are not in Him. Let Him take control of your life. Let Him lead you.
What God did to win your heart? He chose the nails.
The Inevitable
Spirit be free
Soar unhinged to the heavens where pain will no longer exist
In a vessel that was chosen for you to dwell
Feel the wind caress every part of your being
Don’t be afraid
Remember what it was like being whole
Break free of the torment that has become you
Embrace the true essence of you
Smile till your lips break free of its imprisonment
Find that peace you so very much desire
In a world made just for you
Spirit be free
It is your time.
Death is no longer the enemy
Soar unhinged to the heavens where pain will no longer exist
In a vessel that was chosen for you to dwell
Feel the wind caress every part of your being
Don’t be afraid
Remember what it was like being whole
Break free of the torment that has become you
Embrace the true essence of you
Smile till your lips break free of its imprisonment
Find that peace you so very much desire
In a world made just for you
Spirit be free
It is your time.
Death is no longer the enemy
Heart cry out!
Heart cry out
Let the rivers of your very existence flow
Let them emanate the true essence of the person you have become
May they overflow with the grief that has stricken your very core
Allow them to roar with the vengeance never feasible
Flow river flow
Drown out all that perturb the soul
Drag with you all that stands in your way
Mark a path of rectitude
Justice will be served
Let the rivers of your very existence flow
Let them emanate the true essence of the person you have become
May they overflow with the grief that has stricken your very core
Allow them to roar with the vengeance never feasible
Flow river flow
Drown out all that perturb the soul
Drag with you all that stands in your way
Mark a path of rectitude
Justice will be served
A new song harmonized by America
There is a new song sang by America
caroled in the streets of New York.
Vocalized by a workingman or a workingwoman
never seeming to make enough
Songs belted out by a playground full of children
skipping happily to the beat of innocence
Sung by the cries of a newborn baby in the arms
of an un-wed mother
Caroled by God’s creation bathing in a
blood bath of violence and war
America sings a new song. Its lyrics carried by
the winds ever so powerful breezes
Reality shattering the music box of life
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Whatever happened to professionalism?
Why is it that when people are upset or angry about something that is not going his/her way they lose their composure and professionalism? For example..someone made a mistake and blamed it on other people and the how much work they have and how they are surrounded with a multitude of problems and such. If you made a mistake just admit it and learn to move on. If you are not able to handle something at a certain level...is it a possibility that perhaps you don't belong there?
A place of work should be just that. A place where one comes in to complete tasks at hand and keep a professional attitude. Our work is a reflection of who we are. Our attitudes testify of the person we are. Let's keep it real but professional.
Sorry, I just needed to vent.
A total OMG moment!!!
I cannot stop laughing over this one....
Can't a girl pee in peace anymore?
I am at my office and need to use the facilities so as usual, I go to the restroom nearest to my desk which out of the two restrooms its the smaller one. I am "taking care of business" when I hear someone else come into the bathroom. This is not uncommon being that its a two stall bathroom however, a few seconds later the very door of the stall I am in opens and in walks a lady from another department at my office!!! We exchange some oops I am sorries and I am thinking that after the little peep show, she was going to close the door right away and go on her way.
That is NOT what happned!!! Instead she stood her ground and started explaining to me how it is that the door of the stall I was in stays opened and how there is a little trick to actually lock this. All the while I am thinking if she can perhaps tell me that with her standing on the other side of the door!
I was in shock mode for a bit but managed to say "excuse me, I am sorry but can I finish up in here please?" She then realized the invasion of privacy and said that she was so sorry and closed the door silently creeping away.
Can't a girl pee in peace anymore?
Shame on MTA!!!!!

I was listening to 10:10 wins this morning and was shocked to hear that indeed they do plan to raise the Subway fares by fifty cents. Now this may not affect alot of people but unlike alot of people I rely on the MTA to get to and from work, places of interests, friends and family's homes etc...
I am one of many Americans who do not own a car because it is much easier to "hop" on the train and get to where you want without having to worry about parking, gas, insurance and traffic. I am also one of the billions of Americans here in the USA surffering because of the economic crisis our Nation is now faced with. We can barely make ends meet and found ourselves at witts end because we have to really penny pinch and really become fugal in our spending.
Now the MTA wants to raise fares YET AGAIN up to .50. Now that may not seem alot but if we calculate $2.50 going and coming that is $5.00 each day. How dare they think that they can do this to us when we are the one's that keep the MTA up and running each day. They went on a strike not to long ago. What will happen if we the riders decide to go on a strike as well for all the crap we have to go through while riding on a filthy, always late, overly crowded train?
Get it together MTA and maybe you will merit us paying that much to ride your mess!!!!!!!!
The weirdest story EVER
I placed the grocery bags on the table quickly because my arms really were in pain and I thought to myself, I have to eat less. Shopping every Saturday was a burden to me and I thought to myself I hate burdens. But then I thought to myself without this burden I will starve. I started unpacking the groceries when the phone rang and I thought to myself, who can that be? Then I thought to myself let me find out and leave the groceries for later. It was Bertha. I thought to myself her sister is prettier than her. I really didn't want to speak to her so I thought to myself that I should tell her a little lie. I told her I was bleeding from my underarm so I couldn't speak to her now. Then I thought to myself good lie. When I hanged up the phone I thought to myself the groceries would have to wait because the bleeding under my arm needs treatment. I got half way to the bathroom when I thought to myself that the bleeding was a lie. The final thought to myself was that I am a very lonely person and the thoughts to myself must end.
Amor sin dudas
Me recreo en tu belleza
Como anhelo verte, estar contigo
Avivaste en mi la pasion de amar
Con tu ternura
Con solo tu presencia
Veo tu sonrisa dondequiera que miro
En las nubes
Cuando un pajarito canta
Siento tus caricias al brillar el Sol,
En cada gota de lluvia que toca mi piel
Escucho tu voz en las olas del mar
Al soplar el viento
Aun las flores destilan tu fragancia
Tu me haz cautivado.
No hay escapatoria
Just thinking

There are some things in our lives that we hold so close to our hearts that even whispering it would seems to loud. These things resemble the song of our lives that the lyrics are written out only as the days pass. Songs that speak of us feeling lonely, unloved, rejected and even the frowns that we have to turn over to resemble a smile.
It never ceases to amaze me the ability we have of taking on the personality of a Clown. We often act the part and live the life but never truly breathe. We live with so many people surrounding us, fighting as we do to see yet another day and yet no one seems to really live.
It never ceases to amaze me the ability we have of taking on the personality of a Clown. We often act the part and live the life but never truly breathe. We live with so many people surrounding us, fighting as we do to see yet another day and yet no one seems to really live.
But why must we hide behind a façade? Is it that many of us just do not want to fess up to our own vulnerabilities? Or perhaps we look at the person next to us and think if they seem to have it all together why not me? It's a wonder how we are all able to function carrying around with so much emotional weight. We diet to feel well about ourselves and so that the world, that has created an image that's unrealistic and superficial, can view us in a positive way. Yet we neglect our inner self.
We can not wake up one day and decide today I will decide to be Molly, or Tanya, Bill or Ted and leave our own selves by the door. We are who we are and we must face our realities each on his/her own time and level. Let us be more real about the who, what, where, when, and how in our lives. We speak about God being an all knowing God and how we want Him to work in our lives but first we need to come to terms with getting to know our real selves, accepting and embracing ourselves and then entering a get-to-know you relationship with the Lord. How is it possible for us to want people in our lives, i.e. boyfriend, girlfriend, etc… when we are not even certain who we are and have a past burdened life? We are so willing to help others even though we need help. How can you move on when your past is begging for forgiveness?
We all want a revival. We all want youth filled with the power of God. We all want a new and powerful movement to take hold in our Churches, Schools, Home etc… but you have to face your reality. Aren't you tired of taking one step forward but then after a while you find yourself taking two steps back again?Let us be made over by the Carpenter of all Carpenters'.
Make an appointment today to enter into his workshop for a full maintenance check-up and finally give up clowning around.
I have a dog who has been with me forever and probably will live longer than I will. He truly is a remarkable dog although try getting my entire family to believe that would be a difficult if not impossible task. Anyways, Buttons (if you go to my pics, there is one there of him with me), who mind you always does what he wants to do, is truly what keeps me sane. He just makes me laugh.
Not to long ago he almost died. He had a severe throat infection and had lots of swelling around his neck area - I am not kidding it looked like he had swallowed a small football. I was truly devasted. You see, no one really understands this but animals have a very simple and pure way of winning over your heart and making you feel so much better when you are going through situations. I was certain he was going to die. I had two choices at that moment. those two choices was to watch him die or put him to sleep. Now, if you know me you will know that either option was not one I was willing to make.
I was told by someone that because animals don't have a soul we should'nt pray for them. I began to really think about that. I came to a conclusion that he also is God's creation and the Bible speaks about how He is so aware of even the birds and such...why not my dog? I prayed for him.
This was back in September and since then my dog has eaten turkey on Thanksgiving day, played with a plush snowman head I got him for Christmas, rolled around in blue glitter (long story lol) spent new years chasing his tail...I mean when is he ever going to get the point that he will never catch it?, and has ripped up toilet paper all over my room. He is just a little dog but he has truly been a God send. I know he won't be around for ever but for now I will just enjoy the sound of him snoring...no kidding he is snoring right now as I type this lol.
Never underestimate the power of PRAYER!
***To his past owners...thanks for passing on a blessing***
I have always believed that words are better written than said or maybe it is just the writer in me that thinks that. Not sure. One thing is certain and it is that blank pages , and it's evil sidekick have become one of my worst enemies, taunting me, willing me almost daring me to feed their desire, quench their thirst with my thoughts and devour my feelings and emotions. They beckon out to me, calling out my name filling my head with ideas and drinking from my wisdom. Why can't they just leave me alone? Why can't I quiet these voices that beg my attention almost bringing me to the brink of insanity? Leave me alone. Let me live within myself. Let me indulge myself in something that I am familiar with. Let me rebuild the walls around my heart that once granted me security and peace. Let me swallow my words and block you from reading my mind. Why must you want to know what is on the inside when my outside is so visible? Can't you tell that you are not welcomed? Ha I say. Try and get it all out of me. Sip from my veins and steal from my very essence because there is a secret I would never tell. So go ahead and use all of your tactics, utilize all of your gimmicks because for this...I am mute.
Estoy Completa
Señor en tu presencia me faltan palabras. ¿Cómo podría expresar como me siente cuando aun el diccionario no es suficiente? Solo quedan lagrimas. Ellos son mi lenguaje silencioso.
Nunca pensé ser amada de esta forma, de este tamaño mas sin embargo es una realidad. Nunca pensé que amar de esta manera era posible - tan libre...sin dudas...sin reservas.
No podría regresar. Esto es lo que a mi corazón le hacia falta. Tú lo has hecho real en me...en mi vida. Este amor me a llenado de completa paz.
Tómame mi Dios. Me rindo a ti. Hazme completamente tuya porque eres mi eterno amor.
Nunca pensé ser amada de esta forma, de este tamaño mas sin embargo es una realidad. Nunca pensé que amar de esta manera era posible - tan libre...sin dudas...sin reservas.
No podría regresar. Esto es lo que a mi corazón le hacia falta. Tú lo has hecho real en me...en mi vida. Este amor me a llenado de completa paz.
Tómame mi Dios. Me rindo a ti. Hazme completamente tuya porque eres mi eterno amor.
My love affair with Him
He whispers in my ear..."you are mine"
I smile knowingly
He always speaks the truth.
How do you know?
How you do know when you are in love? Is it a feeling or just a state of being? Is it something that can ever be defined?
I have this feeling I have yet to determine what it is. It has taken over my thoughts and has taken hold of my emotions. I wake up and it's there. I go to bed at night and it's there. Everywhere I go in my head in all the places of my heart it exists. How can I rid myself of such a feeling? It's almost as if my life has been taken over by this and yet I am not seeming to mind.
I have tried to avoid it though, tried to keep myself busy with other things but my efforts have been in vain. So I now just am accepting this truth. This truth that has become me.
Love has taken over me. He beckons to me, wants me and loves me unconditionally. He has embedded himself in every inch of my being and I render myself helpless to His cause because He has seduced me and is far stronger than I ever can and will be.
So to you love I say this...come with all that you got. Do make your home in my heart. Speak sweetly to my thoughts and embrace me, envelope me in neverending bliss but I must warn you...... I am not one to be reckoned with.
I am in love with Him.
I have fully surrendered.
You don't have to like me!
I am me. I don't want to be defined or rather judged by anything or anyone else. I want to be recognized and thought about by my actions, my character, my personality and over all my relationship with God. I don't want to be defined or judged by what people say or think about me or things my family do or say. I am me. Accept who I really am. A child of God. I am really tired of pettiness and little games people like to play. God has called me and I must answer to that call. I have changed my life around. I am NOT the person I once was. I love God so much. He is the reason of my existence and the sole purpose of my life. He is what really matters and I love Him too much to fail Him. I am not perfect and I am not where I need to be but I am definitely not where I use to be.
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