I wake up my usual time to go to work and begin my daily ritual. I wake up before my alarm clock rings, wait till it rings then sluggishly pull my warm cozy blankets off of my body and always, always I swing my legs off the bed first and hang them on the side. Then reluctantly, I sit myself up. My Dog, who has been with me forever, then gets up, yawns and gives my legs a good morning rub.
I feel a need to confess. I am not a morning person. Never was and I can guarantee, never will be. However, since there are bills that need to be paid and my stomach protests when it hasn’t had enough food, I tread on.
The bathroom always seems so far away even if it is just right across from my room. I try not to make much noise. My Parents are playing a symphony of the snores just down the hall. It takes me a while to wake but after a shower and a nice hot cup of strong coffee, I am not only awake, but a totally different person. Even my Dog notices and begins to follow me around the house cautiously just in case I have a set back into grouch land.
I am glad it is dress down Friday and I plan a comfortable outfit that is in between dressy and sporty also known as casual and get dressed in less than 15 minutes. This honestly, is a record because usually I take longer just staring into my closet.
I tiptoe down the hallway making a left at the end of it to head to the kitchen. I set my mother’s heat-up-coffee small pot with water and three eggs to boil. Now, an explanation is in order. I do not eat three eggs. I am not what you call an egg lover. But are you forgetting I have a Dog? Usually I eat about half and give him half as well. That spoiled pooch.
If I may go off on a tangent right now because I know feeding eggs to my dog may raise some questions. When I first got my Dog from my oldest sister who at the time resided in Connecticut, I was working. I would buy him Pedigree dog food, wet and dry. Since I was working he would stay home with my parents. Now, my parents are not particular animal lovers but they do have a very generous and loving heart. Being that my dog Buttons, has mastered the art of begging with a very convincing I am so starving look, my mom would give him food from the table. I think many people will agree with me when I say that once you give a dog table food he no longer wishes to eat the one that is actually made for him. That was about 13 years ago. He is a very stubborn dog.
Okay, okay so back on track. Hmm, had to scroll back up to see where I left off. Oh, right, I was eating 1 egg and a half. I usually make coffee around this time. I make enough so that I can leave some for my mom and dad. However, today I opted not to. I was in dire need of my favorite Dunkin Donuts coffee. A medium with cream and three spenda’s please. My dad who has just returned from a physical rehabilitation center this past Monday, after being very sick for three months, is awake by this time checking out my clothing just in case he has to identify me to the police in the case that something happens to me. He doesn’t say this but I already know. My mom comes strolling in a few minutes after and they are both really surprised that there is no aroma of coffee in the air. I tell them that I will buy a cup when I get to my destination and that answer seemed to satisfy both of them. They know how important a cup of coffee is to my exsitance.
I eat, feed the eternally hungry dog and try to hunt down my coat and scarf. I always wonder to myself, where did I put my coat and scarf last? The question should be, where did my mom move my coat and scarf to now? I find it in about five minutes after going into the living room, guest room and find it on the futon in what I like to call my Computer room (in reality it’s just where I usually use and leave my laptop). Which may I add, is definitely not where I had left it last. I put on my plaid coat with a soft fleece scarf; grab my bag filled with things to eat such as my lunch, fruit and a bottle of water and head down the five steps towards the door.
That’s when it all happened. I opened the door and stopped dead in my tracks. I had heard on 10:10 wins that morning that today was the first day of Spring. It had put a little spring in my step…get it…spring? But to my astonishment, it was snowing!! I couldn’t believe it. Not like we haven’t had some crazy whether situations but nowhere in the weather forecast had it mentioned snow. I was not ready for this. Not at all. I have to leave my home at a certain time or miss my train. So you see, it was either turn around to get an umbrella or miss my train. I figured a few flurries were not going to harm me so I opted to shut the door behind me and put on a brave front. That was my big mistake.
While I was walking the three blocks to the L train station it was both cold and windy but not unbearable. My favorite song playing on my IPod seemed to lessen the frustration I was feeling about the unexpected weather. I mouthed the lyrics of “Wrap me in your arms” by Freddy Rodriguez and walked at a medium pace. I love that song. So inspiring. My mood was lightened by the time I began descending the steps that will lead me to the train. I swiped my 7-day unlimited Metro Card and went on my way. The train wasn’t packed and to my surprised I was able to find a seat. The second train was on time and it was as if it was waiting for my arrival. It was a lovely ride as I listened to some more of my favorite tunes.
When I reached my destination I ascending the stairs with joy in my heart knowing that in just a few moments my mouth will have its first taste of glory in a medium sized cup. You know that saying about good things always coming to an end? I can so testify to that because when I reached the top of the stairs what greeted me was a revenge of the snowflakes I so criticized before. It looked like a wintery storm. It was windy, wet, icy and cold. Which may I add, did not amuse me. I looked up to the heavens and told Him...”You know what God? This is not funny.”
With my cup of coffee in my hand and beaten by the snow, I walked into my office and took my usual seat at my desk.
In an hour or two the craziness ended and the Sun tried its best to clean up the mess.
That’s how it is in our lives. Sometimes we are confronted with unexpected, unwanted and unneeded surprises. We must go through certain things in our lives that alter our world and threaten our universe. No matter what we must always keep in mind that trials, and tribulations don’t last forever. That what we go through is not a test of who we are but of who we are to be. We must walk steadily on and confront each God given day with courage and strength. Above all we must always remember to smile.
Until next time my friends.
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