He chose the nails (book) by Max Lucado, is so powerful. I want to cry after every paragraph - it’s so awesome - so awe inspiring! I want more of God. I want to get into him deeply. I want to study his word, talk to him all the time, and do his will. I want to see his glory and die in his presence. You know what I desire most? To lay my head on his lap and cry, just cry while he strokes my hair. I want to be with him. To be able to see his loving face. To feel pure, eternal Love surround me. He is the only steady thing in my life. He will never leave me. He will never stop loving me. He loves me even with my faults and imperfections.
I cannot find words to fully explain what I’m feeling right now. I just cannot with words decipher what He means to me. If only I can remain faithful. If only I can serve him in spirit and in truth. If only I can serve him the way he deserves to be served. If only.... if only... my life is filled with if only’s. I don’t deserve him. I am so undeserving of his love, kindness, and mercy above all his sacrifice. I can NEVER live or rather pay him for my life, for allowing me to live. I have been in church all of my 24 years. I love God, I love church, I love doing things for God but that’s not enough for me right now. I want soooo much more. I want soooo much more that my heart aches. I want so much more then those two or three hours in church - that is not enough; God deserves so much more then the routine - Two songs, read the word, two songs, pray for the second part, special parts, offering, prayer for the petitions and the sick, and preaching, then ministering. While this is good, but God wants so much more, He deserves so much more. He is so much more.
What ever happened to freeing the spirit of God within us? If only we can really be FREE to give God the service He only is worthy of. To dance like a “Corderito”. We talk about or here about letting the spirit take control but the reality of the matter is this: People are stuck in their own conceits. It doesn’t matter how long you have been in church - God is the same. If we were all in one accord the spirit will lift everybody up from those binding benches and move then to and fro and away with the arthritis, away with the headaches and the back pain. The Holy Spirit; Gods gift to everybody; will flow through each and every part of our bodies. Every muscles, vein, bone, molecule, cell, will move and vibrate with Holy Ghost and Fire! Oh Glory to Jesus - I feel his presence Will you help me? Will you pray with me and study his word with me and just talk about his goodness with me? I hope you understand what I am trying to tell you; my desire to “have” the Lord is just too great. I feel like I’m going to explode with this hunger for him. Our sins are “Blotted out” out by Jesus with the blood he shed on the cross for us. He did all this for love. His stubborn love never lets go of me. I cannot humanly comprehend how can God.... such purity, such holiness, such perfection, such infinite power, such deity and majesty looks upon me, loves me.
I was studying a book of Systematic and Bible Theology my third year at the Bible Institute. In this book I read the Catechism of Westminster. In this book Westminster tries to define God. He said, “God is spirit, infinite, eternal, inimitable in his being, in his knowledge, in his power, holiness, justice, kindness, and truth. We had an assignment. We had to define God in our own words. You know what I did? I handed in a blank paper. When the teacher asked me about it I told him that it is impossible to define God. Westminster came close but can we really define Him? Can we mortals define our eternal savior? We can try, but I don’t think we can ever come up with an exact definition. He is eternal. Is there an end to eternity? What is the last number? Where does the sky begin? Where does it end? In which direction does the wind blow first? The Bible is so full of brave, magnanimous men of God. Moses, Abraham, Daniel, Paul, etc..... (Woman to) these men were powerful because of God. Can we become another Paul, another Moses? You know what? We are to busy. We live a fast City life. To much things to do. Other things entertain us. Our social lives get in the way. That’s a big problem. If we get close to God if we “lay our heads on his chest” we will see things we’ve never imagined. We must rebuke all laziness in the name of Jesus; all sicknesses in the name of Jesus and our reward will be grand. God just wants to complete His will in us and we must allow Him to do so.
Let us pray for God to have mercy on us-for all the time we have wasted and do His will. Let Him complete His will in us so we can be completed in Him. He endured so much for us and yet we are either to tired for Him or just lazy! Sometimes standing during prayer in the services is such a big effort for us. I love God. I want to please him. He’s so wonderful. “Jesus himself chose the nails because he couldn’t bear the thought of eternity without you and I. And as the hands of Jesus opened for the nail, the doors of heaven opened for you. Colossians 2:13-14.
You want to know the coolest thing about the One who gave up the crown of heaven for a crown of thorns? He did it for you. Just for you.” (This was from the book) Don’t give up on Jesus. Don’t give up on all He did for you. Don’t leave eternity just to look cool. Just for makeup, pants, jewelry, just to go clubbing or because you think it’s boring. Can you see? Are you blind? This world would not exist if not for God. That’s why we are here. There is no life without Him. Those who don’t have him don’t exist. Our lives are short. When you die, where would you like to spend your eternity? God is waiting for you with opened arms. Forget your troubles and worries in Him. Let him take control of you Life. Let Him love you the way He wants to love you. We feel pain, loneliness, confused, hurt, when we are not in Him. Let Him take control of your life. Let Him lead you.
What God did to win your heart? He chose the nails.
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